Nnnbritish merchant navy history books

Spices and slaves 15001807 a history of the british merchant navy by richard woodman 23 oct. Crew lists and agreements and log books of merchant ships 1747. Masters under god presents the third of five books in richard woodmans groundbreaking history of the british merchant navy, covering the period from 1817 to 1884, from the end of the napoleonic war to the first steamships bound for australia, then in the throes of a great immigration boom. It can be dated back to the 17th century, when an attempt was made to register all seafarers as a source of labour for the royal navy in times of conflict. Merchant navy history is scattered through various sources in a number of libraries and archives, and what exists and the location of that information depends on the type of vessel, its history and the period. This guide gives details of crew agreements for britishregistered merchant ships. The netherlands institute of military history nimh possesses the personal details of almost all crew members of the dutch merchant navy during the second. A history of the british merchant navy book series. Registration of cooks in the merchant navy began on 30 june 1908. The great squandering, 19212010 by richard woodman isbn. Spices and slaves 15001807 a history of the british merchant navy, britannias realm.

The merchant navy in the battle of the atlantic 19391943 and a five volume history of the british merchant navy. Log books, agreements and crew lists from britishregistered merchant. The maritime history archive search their crew list index by ships official number. Geneological research world war ii merchant navy military. Buy the merchant navy shire library by richard woodman isbn. A history of the british merchant navy series by richard. Use this guide for advice on how to find british merchant shipping records known. You have a long and glorious history, and i am proud to bear the title master of the merchant navy and fishing.

This book is a history gamechanger in putting the indian ocean at the centre of. The merchant navy has been in existence for a significant period in english and british history, owing its growth to trade and imperial expansion. History books of remembrance memorials remembrance. The merchant navy is the maritime register of the united kingdom, and comprises the seagoing. The royal navy in eastern waters and millions of other books are available.

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